3 ways better CRM integration can lead to better patient outcomes.

3 ways better CRM integration can lead to better patient outcomes.

However talented and dedicated surgeons, doctors, nurses and medical support staff may be, they depend on the infrastructure around them to be at their best.

If that’s not up to scratch, it’s like asking Lionel Messi to curl a free-kick into the top corner of the net with a football that’s only half filled with air. Good luck with that!

The infrastructure your medical team depends on includes the buildings they work in, the surgical equipment they operate with and the business communication system that keeps everything flowing smoothly.

Business communication is our area of expertise. We understand that efficient, fast and personal support and service for patients has never been as important to success as it is today.
One way of achieving this is by establishing seamless integration between your business communication and your CRM system – and NFON can help you with that.

While it hopefully makes perfect sense that this could lead to increased operating efficiencies, you might be wondering how this could lead to better patient outcomes. Allow us to explain:

1. Increased efficiency helps reduce patient waiting times

When we talk about increased efficiency, we’re not just talking about being able to pick up the phone faster.

Today, in any kind of business, speed is a hygiene factor, it’s only a highly personalised service that will set your organisation apart.

To deliver the kind of customisation required, what you really need is all a patient’s previous interactions and their case study notes instantly available to provide a comprehensive overview the moment you answer their call.

This increased capability is just ones of the benefits delivered by NFON CRM Connect with the easy integration between up to 60 different CRM platforms and the Cloudya desktop App.

If you’re not familiar with Cloudya yet, it’s NFON’s smart cloud communications platform. Providing simplified voice calling, easy video conferencing and seamless integrations for CRM and collaboration tools.

Having all the facts you need at your fingertips, the moment you need them, means you can serve patients better, wasting less of their time as well as the time of everyone who works within the business.

These increased efficiencies will enable your healthcare organisation to deal with more customers in less time and slowly but slowly reduce those waiting times.

That, in turn will help prevent prolonged suffering and ensure that their ailments do not have the chance to worsen through neglect.

2. Efficient business communications prevents patients becoming frustrated, angry and even unwell

Even before the pandemic transformed consumer behaviours and expectations, it was said that we were living in the age of anger.

You’d be a brave person to bet against this situation getting worse before it gets better with stuttering economies, rising inflation and a range of other issues mounting up.

Consumer confidence across European markets is at record lows , further increasing stress levels.
We all know stress is bad for your health. It can lead to a faster heartbeat, tensing of the muscles and tightness in the chest.

So, now imagine you’re trying to find out your test results from a customer service operator who has no information on your case and no real idea where to direct you without you having to explain your whole situation through again for the umpteenth time. Aaaarrrrrrgh!

Sounds like you might soon have a second health problem to add to your troubles.
72% of healthcare consumers are sick of having to repeat their issue, again and again, as they get passed around from one call operator to another in search of the right person.

They expect better and they certainly won’t accept a fragmented communication system that adds to their woes.

3. Better CRM integration leads to happier employees. Which leads to happier patients.

First, imagine trying to direct the call of a patient you know nothing about. You need to start from scratch trying to establish all the important details. No wonder the patient gets frustrated with you.
Then imagine seeing the patient’s most recent correspondence and details of their condition and which experts have been treating them, there on your screen from the get-go.

Work’s a breeze when all previous patient interactions from your CRM are visible with every call. So all patient issues can be resolved faster and more efficiently.

With NFON CRM Connect, your call operators will no longer need to switch between apps and systems to support a single call.

Your team, empowered by CRM Connect, can give their full attention to the customer as they answer their questions and meet their expectations with a super-efficient service.
All of which is sure to drive increased patient satisfaction and reduce the prospect of employee churn by empowering employees with holistic data.

The end result? A good service provided by motivated employees who have access to the latest business communication technologies will help patients get well sooner.

To find out how NFON CRM Connect integration with Cloudya could help your healthcare business, get in touch today.

[1] https://www.zurich.com/en/knowledge/topics/global-risks/decline-human-empathy-creates-global-risks-age-of-anger
[2] https://tradingeconomicscom/germany/consumer-confidence, https://tradingeconomics.com/france/consumer-confidence, https://tradingeconomics.com/italy/consumer-confidence, https://tradingeconomics.com/spain/consumer-confidence
[3] https://www.leicspart.nhs.uk/mental-health/resources/anger-and-frustration/
[4] https://blog.thedoctorsanswer.com/21-patient-experience-statistics

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