Why Nvoice for MS Teams Rocks

Staying in touch has never been more important. We now live in a mobile-first world, with a whole generation of employees who have only ever known a world where they can always communicate on the go via voice, data and video. Employers know that they need a working environment where communications are flexible, interconnected and ubiquitous.

They know this, and, crucially, they are acting upon it. Microsoft Teams is a collaboration tool that is already used by 500,000 organisations across 181 markets. No wonder the number of companies using Microsoft Teams is expected to nearly double in the next two years. In fact, as of this month, 44 million people are using Teams on a daily basis.

This is why we are pleased as punch that we were first to the market with a hybrid integration between Cloudya – NFON’s cloud telephone system – and Microsoft Teams (Nvoice for Microsoft Teams), which gives businesses a completely unified communications solution. So why did we choose Teams as our collaboration platform of choice, and why do we think it rocks?

  • Geared for growth: Microsoft has confirmed that Teams will be included as standard within the Office 365 suite in 2021. This is a huge opportunity for Microsoft resellers, not to mention business users who will be able to harness the amazing collaboration benefits!

  • Move towards digital transformation: As businesses increasingly shift to become software-driven businesses, Teams is a perfect complement. Staff can access it from anywhere, any time, on any device! As we always say – work is what you do, not where you are – and Teams is a great enabler for this.

  • Channel your comms: We love the functionality to set up a channel with colleagues around any topic – you can create Teams for anything and keep the info relevant, hence the name!

  • Beautiful integration: You can add any Office 365 application into Teams, so everyone can work together to view and edit the same document. It minimises errors and confusion like you wouldn’t believe…

  • Take back control of your inbox:  A few years ago, we were close to declaring email bankruptcy. Billions of business emails were being sent per year, and the average office worker was receiving nearly 100 emails a day and sending around 40. Teams makes communications easy, instantaneous and productive – which means that internal email reduces dramatically!

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