06-Aug-2021 18:10:35
in customer experience
Bulletproof Your Compliance with Customer Experience Technology
For many years, compliance and customer experience have felt like two business objectives that are completely at odds.
06-Aug-2021 18:09:59
in customer experience
Why You Should Prioritise Customer Experience Strategy
In a recent survey conducted by Super Office, a total of 1,920 professionals were asked what their top business priority...
06-Aug-2021 18:07:15
in customer experience
5 Pillars of a Textbook Omnichannel Customer Experience
If you’ve read our other content on the importance of customer experience, you will know that currently, it is more infl...
06-Aug-2021 18:02:27
in customer experience
The 6 Must-Have Features of Contact Centre Software in 2021
For businesses that want to remain competitive in the years that lie ahead, perfecting the customer experience is essent...
06-Aug-2021 17:59:48
in customer experience
3 Reasons Contact Centres Need Technology to Improve Employee Experience
If you want to deliver the best possible customer experience, striving to have a happier, healthier and more motivated w...
01-Jul-2021 12:53:35
in customer experience
“What is Customer Experience and Why Does it Matter?” A Complete Guide
Contents Intro: the growing power of customer experience (CX) CX defined Why CX matters more than ever The fight to cont...
22-Jun-2021 18:29:31
in public sector , cybersecurity
Public Sector Cyber Security: How to Protect Your Platforms
Across the UK, cyber security threats in the public sector are on the rise. This has been a continued trend throughout t...
08-Jun-2021 16:08:08
in public sector , smarter working , scotland
Everything You Need to Know About Scotland’s Digital Strategy 2021
In March 2021, the Scottish Government published a refreshed Digital Strategy, ‘A Changing Nation, How Scotland will Thr...
08-Jun-2021 09:05:55
How Businesses are Strategising the Future of Workplace Communications
The past 12 months or so have essentially been a pressure cooker for the modern workplace.
28-May-2021 12:54:56
Maximising the power of Microsoft Teams
True digital transformation connects people, data and applications. In education, one of the newest, powerful and most s...
25-May-2021 18:15:46
5 Ways Cloud Technology Encourages Collaboration in Government
Cloud technology has the potential to improve service delivery, strengthen security systems from cyber threats and radic...
13-May-2021 14:18:54
in public sector , smarter working
The Role of Smarter Working in a Post-Pandemic Public Sector
In the era of the pandemic, ways of working have shifted drastically across the public sector. Digital infrastructure an...
23-Apr-2021 16:12:41
in unified communications , remote working
Can Remote Working Software Fix Teams with Trust Issues?
While the global shift to remote working has certainly had its fair share of positive outcomes, there is currently a gro...
23-Apr-2021 16:12:21
in remote working , Hybrid working
How Businesses Must Adapt to the Future of Remote Working
Now the UK is moving along its prescribed ‘roadmap’ to the next normal, most business owners and decision makers are ant...
23-Apr-2021 16:11:51
in remote working , cloud communications
Geo Redundancy: How to Keep a Remote Team Connected
If there is one thing that 2020 taught us, it was the importance of a backup plan.
23-Apr-2021 16:11:39
in remote working , cloud communications
Four Remote Communication Mistakes That Teams Are Still Making
In a report compiled by time-tracking software company Hubstaff on the state of remote project management, nearly 46% of...
23-Apr-2021 16:02:50
Councils & Communities: Championing Mental Health Through Technology
The mental health and wellbeing of civil service staff and citizens was paramount long before the COVID-19 pandemic. How...
22-Apr-2021 14:06:37
The best collaboration tools for remote teams: infographic
2020 has upset our work-life balance Employees are spending 48.5 minutes more at their desk each day. They’re also findi...
08-Apr-2021 17:44:51
All You Need to Know About Managing Remote Teams
Intro: the rapid evolution of remote working What comes after the ‘new normal’? Preparing for the world of hybrid workin...
01-Apr-2021 17:52:00
in public sector
Why Technology Integration Matters in the Public Sector
Over the past five years, it has been widely acknowledged that we are on the brink of what has been termed as ‘the Fourt...